Monday, 7 September 2009

My Baby Steps & Inspiration

For some reason completely unknown to me, I always grew up with this image of the "right" thing to do after university. An image of studying hard, doing internships, leaving university with an amazing degree, a CV full of impressive experience and having no trouble whatsoever finding a 9-5 job.

I always knew, deep down, that that image of the "right" thing to do, although it is the right thing for some, was not the right thing for me. Even though I felt that it wasn't for me, I still tried to convince myself that somehow it was. I knew that I loved photography, but I didn't want to run the risk of going against the norm. I didn't want to break the mold. To be honest, I was scared.

Anyways, to make a long story short, my love and passion for photography grew and grew and grew and grew into an obsession. I spent basically all of my free time reading about photography online, or in books, learning different techniques and trying to find new ways to look at the world, looking at other photographers work etc etc..

My mom would frequently bring it up in conversation - talking about the option of becoming a professional photographer. Her philosophy is - do what you love. She'd constantly ask me, "What are you so afraid of? Just do it! You have nothing to lose!"
To which I would reply something along the lines of, "I don't know", "No one would pay me to take pictures", "I've never studied photography, therefore I don't really know what I'm doing", "My photography isn't good enough", "It's not a stable job, it's freelance work, and I don't know if I can deal with not knowing when the next pay cheque is coming in" ... etc etc.

I would find excuse after excuse as to why I should not do photography, but at the end of the day it came down to one thing - my fear of failure.

Somehow, between then and now, things have drastically changed for me. I don't know what the pivotal point or the defining moment was, but somehow over this summer I began looking at the way I think about this in a whole new way.

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY. It is my art, it allows me to create, it brings me so much joy... and if anyone can do this - it's me. There is nothing holding me back from being successful in this business. And if I fail, so what? .. I'll try again. and again. and again. I have nothing to lose. Maybe one day my love for photography will die, and who knows - maybe the typical 9-5 job will be for me... but until then, this is what I want to devote all my time to and this is what I want to succeed in. The important thing is that I'm making steps (although they may be baby steps) towards achieving my dream and that, although I'm still a little bit scared, I'm overcoming my fear.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has helped me to get to the point where I am now, you all know who you are. But a special thanks to my wonderful family - Mom, Dad, Lizzie: You are always there to encourage me, support me, and push me to succeed. I know that these are the baby steps of my business, but to me, they have been the most important. It was so hard for me to force myself forward and put myself out there, but now I feel like it's all coming together, and I would be no where without the three of you. Thank you for your never ending support, the three of you are like my backbone.

If anyone is reading this, I encourage you to do what you love. Whether it is photography, or basketball, window cleaning, or law. We all have fears and doubts, but they are not impossible to overcome. And if you fail - who cares? You'll have a more interesting story to tell ;).

Things that helped inspire me:

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs - ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
"Failure breeds success!!"
The Beatles got turned down by multiple record companies before they were signed. Imagine if they just gave up and went home.

My Weekly Photos:

31st August, 2009
Try to enjoy the leaves before the fall :)

1st September, 2009

2nd September, 2009
Find the beauty in the blurred.

3rd September, 2009
Find the beauty in the blurred.

4th September, 2009

5th September, 2009
Ian and Lucy on the night of her party :)... I felt like such a stalker paparazzi, but these candid, natural shots were soooo worth it :)

6th September, 2009
Days are getting shorter :(

Much love,

PS, Sorry if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm off to the land of no internet.

Contact me at:


  1. You have a great eye! I have enjoyed looking through your pictures and hearing of your adventures!!!

  2. Go for your dreams! I completely understand where you are coming from though. I went to college, I work the 9-5 job. Recently I've realized that it's not what I want anymore and so I've set myself a goal that in the next 2-3 years, I will be completely self-employed doing what I love - photography.

  3. hey alex! it's been a while since we have kept in touch but i am very impressed by your photography works! i first started noticing your works via facebook and they're all very impressive. i'm really glad that you stuck with your dreams and i can totally relate to you. i was always scared of doing what i love, art and design, because i was scared of what the future might be for me if i didn't get any jobs or if i would earn enough money or if people didn't like my work. now i am in a design school and my family have been supporting me to take this road regardless what other people say or what i fear. everyone deserves to do what they love =) and i'm very happy that you've discovered a passion and stuck with it!!

  4. Hi Alex!

    I support your endeavour to make photography your career and I wish you the best of luck!

    I am not quite ready to make the leap yet, but if/when I do, I will come back to this post, read it over, and let you know :).



  5. Beautiful post! :) It is so common to read about the fear that so often holds us back. It gives me comfort to know that I'm not the only one who doubts or has doubted myself and that all I have to do it keep moving forward and things will progress. I don't have to be the world's best right away. I just have to be my best and keep moving forward! Congrats to you on following your heart and doing what makes you happy! :)

  6. Super post! It's difficult coming to that decision. But, let me tell you... you are incredibly talented and have that artistic eye. You really *see* things. Best of luck to you and I know you will succeed with an attitude like that... not to mention your killer talent behind the lens. Cheers to you!

  7. I can relate to this more than you will ever know. :) I say follow your dreams and the rest will fall into place. I have to repeat that to myself like 5 million times a day haha. I can't wait to see what your future holds!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great post!! You give me inspiration to keep going after my dreams. And BTW I think your photography is beautiful. You are very talented!!!

  10. great blog and beautiful images.
